Well the kids are thrilled with the water kefir drinks mixed with a fruit juice. Who am I to argue with kids drinking something that has more healthy bacteria in it than a cup of yogurt!?
So today I mixed up more..... it will go in the fridge tomorrow morning and be ready by tomorrow evening to start drinking. My experiment of the week was to put milk kefir grains into juice and let it ferment. SUPER FIZZY this morning! I went ahead and bottled it and stuck them straight in the fridge. I think I let them sit a day too long as those are a little strong - but it was my first super fizzy one that I have made. Interesting! So I'm doing it again.... just won't let it sit that long and today I put it in 100% grape juice. It's not organic - but it was on sale and for an experiment, I'll try it out. Next will be apple juice once my milk kefir grains multiply again (another day or so).
If you see my kids drinking out of what LOOKS like beer bottles - ummmm..... I used what we had to bottle these drinks up. I bought some bottles.... but I really need to get these sodas going and bottled - so I'm using Joe's beer bottles. We are working on getting beer that I can at least peel the label off of - unfortunately we can't do that with Corona - and that didn't occur to me until later..... so we'll have to deal with that a little bit.
This weekend I'll be making yogurt and possibly some more cheese....the yogurt is a new culture (villi I think) where I can leave it at "room temp" over night and it gets really thick - so I'll try it out.
Today Joe is getting everything ready and starting to plan strawberries - which will be ready next year to pick. We have 500 plants to get in the ground and there just isn't enough time in the day some weeks - then when it rains we can't usually do garden work either because it just becomes a mud-pit.
Off to milk the goats so they stop yelling at me!!
Friday, April 23, 2010