Last night I placed our beloved baby lamb Panda in the barn with Pug. I actually had to go and find her because she had holed up under our deck to stay out of the wind.

This morning I went out to the barn to feed everyone and noticed Pug (our previous house goat) but no Panda. I figured she was just being smart by staying inside the barn.

I looked in the stall and she was just laying there - dead. I don't know WHY she died as she was fine last night when I watched her curl up next to Pug...

So today is a very sad day - but at the same time - we still have stuff to do. Personally I think the kids are taking it better than me.....time to go.....

date Monday, February 23, 2009

What a cool thing Facebook is becoming for us. As I learn more about it we are learning how to create a page and share information and so much more.

So if you are on Facebook - take a look and search for me: Dana Sacco and I'll be happy to be your friend! Plus you can now become a fan of us :) That's kinda cool.

Yep - needed something to do in the middle of doing taxes because looking at all those numbers can get a little nerve wracking!

date Sunday, February 22, 2009

Who can't love that face? This is one of the little boys

Doesn't she just look like the happiest mom??

Well after 9 weeks where honestly this past week I saw a dog waddle we have puppies. 6 little rolly polly puppies that are adorable. Thank goodness she had them in decent weather!! There are 2 boys and 4 girls. I get to register them now and do AKC paperwork for them. They all have "badger faces" which is cool - amazing that they become white huge dogs. Just adorable and exciting. It's really hard to stay mad or anything when you can go grab a puppy :)
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date Wednesday, February 11, 2009