Well - we had our first baby goats yesterday (12/30/2009)! The only problem is that I have "roaming" goats and dang it if they didn't get "knocked-up" by the large boer goat instead of the cute little nigerian goat we brought home from the fair! UGH!!! What does this mean? Well luckily it wasn't one of the kids registered goats - but these guys will be sold as pets - that could get medium height - unlike pure nigerians which I KNOW will be small and can sell like that!!

So from our view point they are cute little animals right now - with no future purpose.

Anyone want a couple of pets??

date Thursday, December 31, 2009

The barn that is! We had our first baby lamb born (either the 23rd late evening/night or early morning the 24th). She's adorable of course - pure white and just loving. She likes her head scratched.

So now - we are expecting the following:

11 more ewes (female sheep) to give birth and they usually have twins.
9 goats (I think) to give birth and some look like they might have triplets - but the average is twins.

All due within the next week.

So everyone is in the barn because we still have a load of snow in the fields which doesn't seem to be going anywhere fast.

I'm happy with the set up at the moment - our little Nigerian Dwarf Buck (boy goat) is NOT happy because I put him in a pen and he just doesn't agree with that. When he screams ----- he screams! Sounds like someone is dying out there - but no he just wants to let you know he is upset with you.

So with Christmas over - we get ready to take a few breaks and now we start lambing and kidding season.

date Saturday, December 26, 2009

Yes - it is snowing. Right now I would say 18" or so are on the ground and it doesn't look like it is stopping anytime soon. The weather guys say that it won't stop until sometime Sunday morning.

How does the affect us? A LOT!!! I love snuggling up and watching it snow - and today Joe is the one outside becoming a snowman. I am not ashamed to say that I'm a whimp when it comes to this much wind and snow. Well the snow is taller than most of our chickens, no one wants to go outside and we have to use the big tractor to get around right now.

Of course, our Nigerian Dwarf Goats are due to give birth any day now - so far it hasn't been
today. I did rush outside this morning at 8am to find the puppy and make sure she was ok along with the rest of the animals in the barn - so far so good. Joe's been out a couple more times as he's been trying to plow some of the driveway, but it seems as fast as he plows - it comes back
down. I dreamed of a white Christmas - but NOT this white!!!

Here are some pictures of the farm today - and trust me - it's still coming down FAST!!

This is a view from our deck to the barn - notice the fence!

Monster is walking in the path that Joe created with the tractor - right now in most places the snow is up to his stomach (and he's NOT a small dog!!) The ducks are out where Joe was able to shovel earlier today - it is fun to watch them try and swim in the snow.

This poor chicken coop houses the kids show birds for 4-H! They are alright in there with feed since the coop is raised off the ground - but they are NOT happy right now!

A view from our deck out to the chicken coop where Joe is at least TRYING to gather eggs. Understand that usually in order for us to get the eggs, we will get the chickens to go outside the coop - and today they are NOT moving!

date Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hello everyone!
I think that Mother Nature is teasing us with really cold days and then the next day 70 degrees.  Over here, we are a little tired of the rain as it makes the fields too wet to do anything.
We do have another couple of busy weeks ahead of us!
First off - we are OPEN this Saturday from 10-3.  We will have eggs, beef, pork, lamb, goat & chicken available.
On the chicken - we will have FRESH chicken for $3.99/pound and then we have FROZEN chickens available for $3.25/pound.
We also still have 2 frozen turkeys available, both around 18.5 lbs and they are $3.99/pound.
Other sales will be going on this weekend - but since we just picked up a bunch of meat, we have to figure it all out!  HOWEVER, I will let you all in that we are overwhelmed right now with Delmonico/Rib-Eye Steaks!  They will be on-sale this Saturday for $12.50 per pound!!  This is a $7 per pound SAVINGS!  This is the time of year to stock up as these rarely go on sale during the Spring and Summer months.
In other farm news, we will be opening reservations for Christmas Turkeys and Holiday Hams this Saturday.  The turkeys will be fresh and we only 10 available, so this will be something to rush on.  Holiday hams will be smoked and cured OR fresh.  I'm waiting to get a list of weights so I can help everyone out in getting one.  All the hams will be frozen.
Hope to see everyone this weekend!!
The Sacco Family

date Friday, December 4, 2009