I can't believe it - New Years Eve - I'm on my way out of the house to go to our neighbors house to sit back, relax, and say Happy New Year...... and a high pitched WAIL comes from the barn area. The wild wind shut a door and the goats were locked in where the hay is but couldn't get to the barn so OF COURSE someone decides to give birth.....

Shelly gave birth to triplet boys in the freezing windy weather. I get her and two of the kids in the barn. I didn't know/see the third one until it was almost dead. Got it brought it into my bathroom to warm up. An hour later, Joe brings in one of the other ones as it was frozen.

We lost the first boy I brought in. But the one Joe brought in is still in my house and doing well as a bottle baby. I never thought I would have a goat running around my house!

The third boy stayed with Shelly, his mom, the next day his back legs had frozen straight out over night - even being under a heat lamp. We thawed his legs out and now Sunday, 3 days later, he seems to be doing well just weak legs - but he's learning to use them just fine.

Today we also had another goat give birth. After church there was 1 out there and I will check again in the afternoon to see how many more she had (I think she will have 1 more).

Personally I feel like a new mom with the baby goat in the house! Last night I was up every couple of hours and he was driving me NUTS. It's time for my nap and to feed the baby.

date Sunday, January 4, 2009

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