Well it's been a tiring and busy month. I'm ready to take February off from the farmers market just for a breather. We've had 21 baby lambs born so far - 12 are still alive - 9 have died. A couple were still-born and some died from the cold. Honestly, we are happy that we are above last season where over 50% of our lambs died from the cold and problems we didn't know how to fix.

This season - though tired and honestly I'm worn-out from lambing with problems - we couldn't fix them all. Some deaths were just odd.... fine in the morning - afternoon rounds dead or near-dead. We had heat lamps going and all sorts of things - heck even had a bunch in the house trying to get them warm and some still died. It takes a serious toll on you when a helpless animal dies in your care even though you've been up all night.

But then you go see your success-cases that have returned to the barn even though you still have to bottle feed them - but they are happy to see you and they are doing so well. Other ones you know were unsteady are bouncing and jumping and it's hard not to laugh.

We still have 2 ewes due now - so hopefully with the 50 degree weather they will decide it's a good day to give birth.

Then we move into March for the next "season" where only about 4 are due. 2 goats are due to kid soon - maybe in February - but that's ok. I can deal with 2. Oh and our great pyr girl (Corona) is due in February - so that's exciting.

So - my revelation of the day....... you know you are a country girl when you are gathering eggs and a little field mouse peeks his head out right next to your hand and you don't even jump you just look at the chicken standing next to it and tell it to eat the dang mouse as if it will understand you!

date Saturday, January 31, 2009

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