Yes - I know..... but it's funny how it never occurs to us how it affects the stuff we eat.

Example - Joe dispensed water yesterday every couple of hours to the chickens because the pumps were frozen therefore no automatic waters out there. If the chickens don't drink they don't eat... if they don't eat..... they don't lay eggs.

Same thing with the ducks - who by the way are all trying to "swim" in the 1/4" of snow we got the other day - they need a TON of water per day to lay eggs. So even if the Indian Runner ducks CAN lay 365 eggs per year - they usually won't because of other issues when they are on my farm.

Today - I dispensed the water and my hands hurt for it. They are dry and cracked from just getting wet and then being outside. Joe had the colder of the 2 days but still - I can whine a little about it.

So far so good though - no sheeyp have given birth during these couple of days which I was really scared about. We have heat lamps in the barn and the entire thing open for them to come inside. Granted they don't seem to feel the cold like we do but still - at least it gets them inside and out of the cold wind.

Can't wait for tomorrow - it's a heat wave of 41 degrees!!

date Saturday, January 17, 2009

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