So this past Wednesday afternoon, we were called by the Great Falls Farmer's Market asking us if we would like to participate at the market starting this Saturday.  Understand, we have NOT done farmer's markets for the last couple of years because honestly, it's exhausting, and with the Lyme Disease, I never know how well I will do and it took it's toll.  BUT, this looked good and we worked around to see what we could do.

Thursday, we call and actually talk to the Market Manager who says that yes they would like to have us there.  I respond back saying that I need to verify that everyone is on board with this because I won't be able to do it myself every weekend.  I also spoke to the farm that is leaving the market and completely understand their need for a larger volume - but it seemed it would be a good fit for us.

Within 30 minutes of hanging up the phone with the Market Manager, I call back (no answer), then email stating we will gladly be there and ask if 8am would be good so we can find our spot etc.  I fill out the applications, scan those in, and send everything over - even the required insurance certificate (1 of the 3 they need).

We start prepping - which is NOT an easy task for a small farm.  This requires a complete revamp of the day and plans for the weekend.  Who is doing what, who is going with me, times we need to wake up, what our specials will be on the farm, holding back the newsletter until everything is set up and in place, and making sure everything still WORKS that we take with us.

Remember, Thursday at 5pm we spoke with them - so all this is going on from 5pm until I'm ready to crash in bed.

8am Friday morning - Joe has gotten all the correct freezer packs ready etc - we receive an email that the space is no longer available and we will not be needed so they are not accepting our application.

WHAT?!?!?!  Ok - first off - they called US asking US to be a part of this market.  Second, we ACCEPTED VERBALLY the spot!!  THEY RESEARCHED OUR FARM!!!

We did not go searching for this avenue - they came to us.  We did all this work - and yes it is a lot on a short notice... and then they "fill" the spot with someone else?  Where is the professionalism in that?

I did respond to their email stating that it is disheartening and that a lot of work goes into getting something set up like this.  I doubt I will receive a response because people honestly, I doubt they understand farming at all - people THINK they do - but they have no idea the difference between a craft vendor and someone who has to package things up!  Heck - if we were bakers - I probably would have been out ordering things and purchasing and even starting to BAKE - then to be told "sorry"??

So needless to say, we will NOT be doing the farmer's market - and honestly - I'm sure there is a reason for this in the grand-scheme of things....and all I can think is "what goes around....."

date Friday, June 5, 2015

1 comments to “Frustration”

    August 7, 2015 at 12:56 PM

    Uggghhh, I am getting annoyed just reading this! How rude of these people to treat others with this type of blatant disrespect.
    There are bigger and better things ahead for you and the farm. You wouldn't have been comfortable having to deal with this type of mgmt anyway!