I was just going to post pictures of lunches up on Facebook - however, it occurred to me this morning the different size lunches I make for each kid and people might not always relate - especially with seeing the bento boxes vs the ziploc divided containers.
First up is Alexis's lunch. This is a standard 2-tiered bento box. Bottom level are grapes, chocolate wafers, celery w/peanut butter & her daily vitamin gummies. The top level is Jambalaya I made this morning with smoked beef sausage. It's from a box which is fine - and it works.
Second lunch is a mini lunch box for the 4 year old. Same main dish of the sausage/rice, then grapes and the wafers. No celery in this one.
Next I put all three together. The middle one is Jake's lunch - and since he plays football tonight, I give him a little bit more. I can actually add more of the rice to Alexis's bento box as well - and I adjust the serving size per kid.
In the background you see the lunch bags I send them with. The boys have standard coolers and the girls have lunch purses (girls want something stylish while boys just want to eat)
I didn't get a chance to do a menu this week so I am winging it. We have a football game on Tuesday evening, a cross country meet on Wednesday evening and just basic stuff the rest of the week of getting ready for the weekend. Somewhere in-between we have Dr's appointments, picking up meat and whatever else pops up (it seems something always does).