It was a sad but needed moment this morning before 8am - we loaded one of our dairy cows for the auction.  6 years, this is the first animal to go to auction vs the butcher.

As much as we love our cows, this is something that needed to be done.  First, she did produce a wonderful little bull calf (who will soon be veal) - but she never produced enough milk and was actually a pain to use the milking machine with!  She would make a great hand-milking cow, but then one day she decided she just wasn't going to give any more milk.

It's sad when they walk right up onto the trailer without a problem and just look at you.  It's a hard thing - but to be honest, I think my kids are thrilled (they couldn't stand her), and I'm not THAT heart-broken.

The funds will be used to find another dairy cow or to pay a feed bill along the way.

So goodbye 'Tilda!!

date Monday, September 19, 2011

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