After 2 weeks of rushing around and working on the farm - it's time to seriously detox.  I personally ate so much garbage in the last couple of weeks, I'm a little ashamed (but not so much I feel bad I ate 2 pieces of cake!).

Starting today I am detoxing.  A friend put that buzz word back in my ear a few weeks ago when she was going to do a 7-day detox (need to find out how she did when I see her this weekend).

So I'm making a tea to help flush some of these toxins out of my body, drinking a lot of water and eating lighter foods and drink smoothies a lot this weekend.

What triggered this?  Swollen feet and I'm tired constantly.  For the past few days, by the end of the day, I have no ankles.  It doesn't even take that long actually as I look at my feet right now.

I'm not going to follow anyone else's set plan - I've honestly never found one that I liked.  So I'm making it up as I go.

First off - lots of water!!  This will naturally help flush everything out of my system.

Second - Swelling Relief Tea from Bulk Herb Store - this again will help with the swelling and flushing out toxins

Third - Berry Smoothies or even "berry sorbet" which is just frozen berries through a blender or with a hand-blender

Fourth - Detox+ again from Bulk Herb Store.  I've actually had this for awhile and last time I used it, it was amazing how much was pulled from my body.  I know this because of the way I immediately felt!  Well, I backed off it quickly and now am determined to follow it through.

Fifth - Light dinners.  It's hot out so I'm thinking of stuff like that anyways.  I'm going to try to go with a Primal diet for dinners - gotta have some fat and some meat :) of course salads.

My plan is to take it 3-days at a time.  When 3-days is done.....see where I'm at..... then aim for another 3-days..... then see where I am at and continue if needed.

In the meantime I need to start my kombucha tea back up.  Over the last 2 weeks I "forgot" about it and now it tastes awful so I will be almost starting completely over.  This will give me something else to add for a drink which will help fix and restore all that gut flora everyone talks about.  Until I get it back to where I will drink it (it really tastes nasty now) - I will be taking a probiotic.

We can damage our bodies pretty quickly just by life happening.  The key I am finding out is seeing that your body has had enough and take the time to fix it.

date Friday, May 27, 2011

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