So I tried to start on Friday - and I failed. Seriously, I went half the day and was done with it. But, being determined to give this a go... I restarted on Saturday.
I had a bad migraine very early in the morning so was up from 2-4am then finally fell asleep only to re-wake up at 5:30 to get ready for the market. Made it through the market on only water as I was still a little fuzzy headed.
Came home had a strawberry smoothie, more water and a small piece of bread just to help with the still there headache.
Had a normal dinner (smoked ham steaks, steamed broccoli, cauliflower & strawberries). More water and passed out at 8:30pm. Yeah I was tired.
Woke up this morning and started with water and now a strawberry smoothie. Different from yesterdays as I used coconut milk in it and an egg.
Since I'm heading out today I figured I would need a little more "stuff" in it to keep me going. I'll be taking water with me and maybe have a salad for lunch.
I have figured that with the detox - you just make it easier for your own system to digest food in whatever way you need to.
My daughter (studying to be a nurse) said her teacher told them detoxing wasn't good for you. I would retort with asking how having yogurt with sugary substances that are low fat and full of chemicals a "good lunch" for so many women? Having real food makes such a difference!
Sunday, May 29, 2011