
So it's 8:25 and I figured today would be a typical morning.... get up.... get 1st kid off to school....let out chickens... get the other 3 kids off to school....do barn chores with the addition of milking the cows in the morning to see if we can get production up some.

Everything went as planned until in the barn I notice that a dairy goat is FINALLY giving birth!  Well, one was still born and she seemed to be having issues with the next one.  This required me to reach in and help.... HOLY CRAP there was another head!  She was having 3 at least and the head that was out was NOT the head attached to the legs that were out - those belonged to the head in the back.... and the sack was broken meaning the little goats are now breathing....

5 minutes and a lot of screaming from both our ends.... the 2 babies are out.  I had to come back inside for a few minutes to clean up and get the medicine.  This is one of those instances we need to use an anti-biotic as my hands reaching inside her were FAR from sterile, but by me doing so, it saved the life of all 3 (fingers crossed).

Deep breaths......

No, I'm not a miracle worker.... no I'm not a vet (though I wanted to be one)..... no I didn't study this.... you just see something happening and you have no choice but to help if needed.  That's part of being a farmer apparently - and I never read that in the job description.

One of my children said a kid in the class said "farmer's are stupid" - I believe by meaning their intelligence.  I would like to see the kids of today have ANY idea of what to do if they were faced in an emergency that needed immediate action, without a cell phone or computer... give me a farmer any day of the week - they might not have an Ivy League education... but I would be able to count on them not to back down from anything thrown at them at all.

date Thursday, April 7, 2011

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