Ok - this is one of the busiest weeks we have during the year so I am sending this out a little early for everyone.

First off  - this Saturday and Sunday we are open from 10-4 BOTH DAYS!  We will be serving lunch (burger patties from our very own Black Angus steers!) and so much more.  Come out with the kids, participate in a scavenger hunt, gather your own eggs to take home, pick your own pumpkin, and take a free hay ride!  It's sure to be a blast and we are really looking forward to seeing everyone!

Some news:

1/4 & 1/2 steers - guys you are running out of time.... especially with this weekend coming up we are expecting to sell out.  This isn't something to put off any longer if you are interested so please get your order in BEFORE the weekend if you want to guarantee your spot.  http://www.chicamarun.com/beef.html

Next on the list - TURKEYS - yes..... this is the same situation.  Apparently we have been picked up by a couple of magazines as well.  Again, we expect to be selling out soon because of the farm tour weekend and the magazine exposure.  So please place your reservation soon!!  http://www.chicamarun.com/turkey.html

Ok - finally..... we added a new option this week to the meat CSA- BEEF ONLY.   You an now order this option online.  It is $50 retail of BEEF ONLY per pick-up (every 2 weeks) for 20% off.  This is an excellent option to add chicken and eggs to!!  Order soon as we have had a high interest level in this type of option and I'm sure it will fill up fast.  http://www.chicamarun.com/meatcsa.html

We do hope to see everyone this coming weekend!!  And let's all keep our fingers crossed for good weather!!!

Best wishes,

The Sacco Family

date Tuesday, October 13, 2009

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