This is actually a a very common question that people ask me - especially with so many kids in the house!
First my New Year's resolution (or actually New Years just gave me an excuse to do this) is to give a true Paleo diet a try for 30 days. I start this weekend with 100% paleo for myself. This means no dairy for 30 days, no caffeine, and no cheating :) I'm pretty sure I can do this one since I did the Atkin's diet for 3 years without a problem. However, now I need to think about my kids.
Dinner will be paleo - but with a twist. If appropriate, I will add in rice for them. If the recipe wouldn't work with rice then I'll just make bigger helpings.
We have cereal in the house. Sometimes I wish we didn't - but we do and I live with that. I don't see that leaving our home. I also have Mac & Cheese.... this is something I will eventually just make on rare occasions and I'll do homemade vs the box brands. We have bread in the house because a favorite meal/snack for everyone in the house is a peanut butter & honey sandwich.
We all do the best we can with the food choices in the house. The idea is to make the best choices and have healthy choices available instead of garbage.
Snack ideas:
Popcorn - make this healthy with coconut oil and sea salt
Fresh veggies
Nut mixes (minus peanuts if you are going to go paleo!)
Jerky (believe it or not this isn't difficult to make!)
Fresh fruit (apples, oranges etc)
Dinner ideas/hints:
Lots of veggies and salads! Make this most of your plate
meat (grass-fed of course is always best!! May I recommend ours?)
Breakfast is actually the toughest for me as this is where the cereal comes in so I will be working on some things the kids can take with them and eat. I've done eggs and things like that - however, I'm not always up in time to make everything for them so sometimes I slip. I'll probably work on some muffins.
Lunch - well I did the bento boxes the first part of the year - and I will probably start doing it again. The kids eat garbage at school and they all dislike it a lot! Plus, even with the regular lunch they are left hungry. So I need to rework this one back in.
Things I always cook with:
Butter (the real stuff - not margarine which is just icky!)
Drinks to have on hand:
Kombucha tea - kids do like it!
Water Kefir made into a "soda" with a real fruit juice or similar - my new one will be with tart cherry!
Milk (raw)
Water - ours is from a well so we don't have fluoride and other stuff in it - if you don't have this then look into filters for your water. All my kids have stainless steel water bottles - these are NOT allowed in schools though so kids don't sneak stuff that's not allowed in - bummer but true.
Hope this guides some of you a little of things you want to do and would like to feed your family!
2 comments to “What do YOU eat?”
The cookin cutie
January 15, 2012 at 5:54 PMI think that it's a GREAT resolution! My husband and I started Paleo as a resolution last year and that's what brought us to you! It's tough at first, but honestly, you really do get used to it!
I tend to get bored with food, so I like trying new recipes so that I can keep finding new flavors. I found that I started eating a lot more veggies and sort of developing a taste for a lot of healthy things that I never thought I would!
I love cooking and there are so many great resources out there! Here are a few websites that have helped me! - for the sweetness that you need every once in a while
Good luck!!! You'll love Paleo!
January 12, 2012 at 8:24 PM
You're doing really good. It must be so hard with children in the home.
Do you ever sell any of your Water Kefir grains? I'd really like to try it. Maybe it would get my son and my room mates off of the Pepsi and Coke. :)
I myself have been non GMO for three years now. Also now no grains and no sugar. I've lost a lot of weight and feel absolutely awesome. :)