With so many people out there, there are so many different attitudes.

First, we have the people who are easy going, don't expect a lot as long as you talk to them and are honest. They understand that even though this is a business, this is also our home and our family (which comes first). Believe it or not, though this is the majority of our wonderful customers, this is not the majority of the people we actually deal with. Why? Because, you understand! We talk, you listen ask questions and continue on. We have a relationship with you - and you with us. Many of you know our entire growing family and share out excitement and our losses.

Then we have the high maintenance customers. We still love them - but they can bring our defenses up because they feel we should do more for them. We should deliver, we need another building, we need to be open more hours.... Etc etc etc. We can't make everyone happy! We argue about this all the time - should we be open more? Should we add this? Should we add that? Then we get burned out from trying to do everything and we find ourselves exhausted and our family suffers.

Funny thing is we listen to everyone! We hear what people ask - and yep - we feel guilty we can't do more, but we don't want to lose what we've got and we are proud of what we have going....

date Wednesday, August 24, 2011

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