Some things make you think twice and look back further...

I made fermented ketchup a few months ago.  My family wasn't thrilled - and I have now decided they will get over it and I will start making it again.  How did I come to this conclusion?  Easy..... and believe it or not - I have my own mom to thank for this memory.

My mother didn't make ketchup (that I remember) - it was always store bought.  But she did cook all the time - and I don't think a ton of it was from a box as "instant".  Anyway, she bought the ketchup.... then one day we switched to a "new brand" - THEN we went back to the other brand and we all said "EWWWWWW"

Guess what?  The new "improved" brand was probably some sort of high fructose sugar loaded type of ketchup which we readily ate.  The older brand was probably something without all the additives!  How can I tell?  It took me awhile, but I figured out where I had tasted REAL ketchup before - my mom's kitchen!!

Amazing how a taste can take you to a strange/weird place in your past.  I guarantee my mother doesn't remember about this change - why would she?  It wasn't significant in anyone's life - yet it was.  This change was the moment I now associate with a noticeable change from traditional type foods to the HFC variety that have become such as staple in our households today.

BTW - in case you are wondering - no the ketchup in my house no longer contains HFC per my insisting (though this is still a HUGE battle - and yes it is over ketchup)....

date Sunday, March 13, 2011

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