We had a really good weekend and enjoyed everything about it.  Some thoughts popped into my head though as I had many conversations.

#1 - All because something is "Amish" it doesn't mean it's organic.  Joe took me to Lancaster the May before we moved in here 6 years ago.  Our goal was to find a farm and "see how it's done".  Well, we found a "free range egg" farm and headed over there.  Walking on the property we didn't see or hear 1 chicken.  They took us to a barn (still no sound), opened up the door - and sure enough 3000 chickens were in this building.  The eggs were being sold to larger operations as "organic free range" but from where we stood we couldn't see any way for them to be outside!  However, they gave them access to the outdoors so they qualified.  People pay higher $$ because the eggs come from an Amish farm - yet even though no power was being used (though they had an incredible conveyor belt system to collect eggs!) these chickens in my opinion qualified as a commercial farm.

#2 - It costs a lot to live in Loudoun County.  I think this is a given. But, it comes into play when people are talking to us and want the same prices they can get in other states as they can here.  I know my products and can't speak for other products - and the amount that goes into farming in general - I applaud everyone who does it.  I talked to someone the other day who purchased 170 acres in Southern Virginia for $129,000!  If you live up here you will look at that number and wonder if I am missing a 0 or 2 - but I'm not.  Go an hour north into PA - and the prices are lower there as well.  No, we aren't "raking in the money" with this operation - I don't think we are even breaking even out here when you have to pay taxes and such.  Our goal is, and has always been, to cover our cost and help pay for food for our family - I'll let you know if that ever takes place.

#3 - By supporting out of state and out of county people, you really aren't contributing to the "local" economy.  If you pay someone in PA, guess where that revenue goes?  Not into VA - they probably grocery shop in PA and of course they pay PA taxes.  I'm more frustrated with the out of state vs out of county - but you get the idea.

#4 - I enjoy this.  I don't like mornings and I don't like the cold (come ONNNNN Spring!)....but I like the farm.  I find a lot of it relaxing if I don't have somewhere to run off to later and have to rush through it all.  I enjoy taking my time with the animals and looking at them all.  I like giving them treats and talking to them.  They might not talk back - but they never argue with me or yell or fuss (too much).  I enjoy looking out my window in the morning and seeing peace - I think it's as simple as that.

#5 - I still have a lot to learn.  No amount of school can teach you what you actually need to know.  Experience counts - and through mistakes you will achieve success.

That's my rambling of the morning!

date Monday, February 7, 2011

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