It's hot. Plain and simple - no one wants to move in the heat. No, it's not August heat...... yet.... but this humidity - well my hair is an instant barometer and the frizz factor says "ICK"

We've had a long week already as one of Alexis's show lambs died. Luckily she had one more - but of course it was the one that looked the best. Then 2 of the other lambs died. When rain hits like this - worms come out to play havoc on the animals.

Chickens don't lay as many eggs during the heat either which is a pain as we need eggs!!! No matter how many chickens I have - it's never enough. We've been losing some to foxes and a few hawk attacks.... but the Great Pyrs have been doing at least some work keeping them at bay.

Joe has everything in the garden - and now needs to get the pumpkin patch ready which I think he's doing this week since the house is quiet.

Off to do household chores - apparently laundry would be a good thing to do :)

date Monday, June 22, 2009

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