I have got to tell you all about this fencing we have. Ok - it's not new - we've used it for the past year + with the chickens. This year though we have started moving around the goats and the electric fence ROCKS!!!

We are using 2 units (196ft each) for the 7 big meat goats and 1 unit for the nigerian dwarf goats.

Right now we are running extension cords and plugging in the charger - but I would love to have a battery type unit that would shock them enough.

I think next year we might move some chickens around the same way - using the fence and therefore we could FINALLY use the back field for something other than weed production.

If anyone wants to take a look at it - visit: http://www.premier1supplies.com/fencing.php?mode=detail&fence_id=30

It's pretty cool and comes recommended by ME :)

date Sunday, November 16, 2008

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