Ok everyone - I just wanted to let you know - I do not like the cold. Especially since it's NOVEMBER!!! I don't want all my waters frozen.... I don't want to have to take out warm water to defrost the water pumps. Just don't want to do this all yet. Oh well - we do need the freezing temps to kill a lot of the bugs that devestated Joe's gardens this past summer - but still.... 19 degrees?!?! Come on!!

OK that's my whining farming moment for the day.

Actually this time of year everything slows down - but we do start getting ready for babies soon. Unbelievable huh? But it's true! I think one of our goats will have kids in December or early January. Sheep start giving birth in January - none in February this year so we are actually taking that month off.

It's the season to start planning of next season. What a cycle it is :)

date Monday, November 24, 2008

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