I screw a lot of stuff up by changing it - but I felt I had to. I actually talk a lot and am on the computer....well a lot. But I wasn't adding to the blog and I feel it's a fun thing and amazing enough - people READ it!

So I was having problems with Wordpress and remembering to log in etc. Apparently with Blogger I can just put a little thing on my homepage (through igoogle.com) and type here and it posts on my blog! Super easy!

Ok - newest thing. Joe is down in the garage while they install a new walk-in freezer. It occured to us that when we have 8 steers butchered it MIGHT be a good idea to have SOMEPLACE to store at least some of the meat! The 2 - 72 cubic foot ones were not enough unfortunately when we do the larger quantities of custom processing. So in comes the 6x6x8 foot walk-in! It should be amazing when it's done I think. I guess it doesn't take THAT long - but they will come back and install the compressor (something like that).

I can't believe it's almost fall already. It seems like yesterday I was writing that we were about to plant stuff and now the season is coming to a close. And yes - I still need to can tomatoes even though I have about 36 quarts of spaghetti sauce canned so far. I've lost track of the hot pepper jelly I have made and Joe wants more pickled pepper rings.

Off to do more stuff (oh hey - isn't this template cool!?) Fingers crossed that we will have pumpkins for the fall tour!

date Saturday, September 13, 2008

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