It's been awhile. As a quick update - our goat is fine and back trying to "woo" the ladies...
So this past weekend was our family farm's 16th county farm tour. In the last 8 years we have learned and expanded and passed out at the end of the weekend.
What goes into having a "farm tour"? First off, we are open every weekend - so being open isn't as big a deal. But, it changes from about 100 people coming out to up to 1000 visiting our farm. We are completely at the mercy of the weather - yet we have to start planning our weekend MONTHS in advance!
Our first years, we didn't serve food and cook. We added this on as a value added thing because we believe that you might want to TRY our meats. This leads to inspections etc.
We did start out with the egg gathering tours and have continued with them as well. In years past we had a stand alone plain upright freezer, and now we have 2 walk-in freezers and a display freezer, PLUS our upright.... you get the idea that we have expanded to make it easier.
This all requires a special "Sam's Club" run to make sure we have drinks and water bottles as well as rolls and more.
We don't have a hay wagon, so we need to borrow one from a friend as well.
Who is going to help us and what role can they help with? Sometimes this isn't even known until the day of or the day before! So we don't know what CAN be done. All we know is that if Joe is cooking, I need to run the store.
Our favorite part of farm tour is getting to know all the new people and sharing our experience with you. We are sharing our home - as you would show a friend around your new house - we are doing the same thing.
Constantly we are looking for ways to improve your experience that won't kill our meager budget as it is.
When I was talking to my children after this past weekend was over, they started rattling stuff off they would want to see, of course not realizing the cost involved in all these wonderful things!
When we decided to open our farm, including weekend, our biggest thing was making it affordable and to show people a real FAMILY run farm - without all the workers. As a mom of 5 kids... I know the expense to take kids out and didn't want to burden people with that type of expense - so it has always been free and the items we sell or charge for we TRY and keep at a reasonable rate.
Over the last couple of years, we have had an influx of a new type of person showing up at our farm for these tours. They are the new 1% - and actually they seem to just be showing up - not even tour related. 99% of the customers we have come by and understand and can see the amount of work being put into this - it is by no means easy. Then we have this new 1%. Within the last 2 years, my kids have been yelled at because they asked people to follow the rules (don't enter the buildings - there are signs up), they have argued with us about parking, they have called animal control because our chickens didn't have enough room (they have access to all 32 acres), people have yelled into my home when we are closed, and they have to wait more than 10 minutes for us to change people around so someone can eat (gosh forbid).
This 1% is actually what gives us constant amusement as we look at them and can't believe they act like they do but at the same time they tire us out. Is it worth it to continue? Of course! We won't allow 1% to ruin the fun of 99% - especially since we tend to have a lot of fun with that 99% and quite a few have ended up like family!
However, when you go and visit one of these farms who has graciously opened up their home for you - remember - they most likely have another full time job (very few are full time farmers in this area), and you don't know what's going on in their home at that moment or on the farm - we've had animals in the middle of birthing DURING tours! So respect their home - take a breather and learn to relax - you are in the country. Lastly - yes, we know your time is precious - but guess what - so is ours and we will do what we can to make you happy - but we won't be rushed because you are on a time schedule.
Welcome to our HOME - treat ours as you would want us to treat yours if you invited any of us in.
Monday, October 20, 2014