...we seem to re-evaluate what we are eating and how we are living our life. At least that is the case for me. Not a 1 or 2 day illness - that's nothing. But for the last 3 weeks I have been sick. That's right 3 LONG weeks.
The first 2 Joe had to take off work from his regular job so he could do the basic stuff around the house I really couldn't do. Heck, getting out of bed wasn't happening at all! By the end of week 2, they switched my antibiotic because the first one only got rid of 1 of the bacteria in my system.
So what have I been doing wrong? It's actually quiet simple..... I was eating crap. I was running off sugar and cheap carbohydrates that were slowly killing my wonderful immune system so when it was presented with an opportunity I got every bacteria around. I was over-tired, eating garbage, and was at the ER because my daughter popped her knee out.
Now, where to go from here? I read.... that's what I do.... it's amazing WHAT I read though sometimes. I have migraine headaches so I started reading about magnesium and so much made sense and actually added up. Most people are deficient in magnesium, plain and simple. So, I have started supplementing magnesium. I haven't been on it long enough to make any difference, so that will come in later.
I went back to making stuff that's good for us for dinner. Even trying new things - and I was my own guinea pig and found out fried sweetbreads taste like fried oysters so this will become a favorite for me!
The cultures need to be going.... so I made some kefir today (along with some cheeses!! YUM).... yogurt needs to be more of a staple... and sadly - the hardest thing for me will be to stop drinking sodas, but I'll get there.
Even before the new year - reaffirm to yourself what you need to do to take care of your body.... why wait?
Friday, November 18, 2011
November 19, 2011 at 6:30 PM
What? I sure hope that you are feeling better! ....here I thought that you must be cooking and eating the healthiest food in the area! What happened?