So I'm into bread at the moment. What's better than the smell of fresh bread in the house? I'm not a huge bread EATER - but my new recipes are changing my mind. They aren't sweet - just yummy! I'm working on making a superior sourdough artisan bread and today a whole wheat bread.

We'll see - but chances are you all will see some of my new breads for sale if I can get the recipe "just right."

date Sunday, March 29, 2009

Puppy Pile!!

The cute little runt boy.

Alexis went out and took these pictures this morning - SUCH CUTE LITTLE ONES!!
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date Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's always exciting and busy starting this time of year - for some reason the weather kicks us into high gear. It's like all of a sudden - WOOSH - we need to do stuff. Of course the goal of the winter was to get all this done - but we enjoyed the winter huddled in the house doing house-hold "stuff" that would never get done in the spring.

The biggest thing people get on us about is ordering beef. We love you all doing this - and it's always a work in progress what the BEST way to do it is. I think this year we are doing well with how we are doing it. The difference is that I am personally going over cut sheets with people. So it will add the personal touch to it and also I can walk everyone through what is sometimes an overwhelming process. Of course I am still lost sometimes at what I want and I have YET to find a cut sheet from any butcher I actually like so I work it out myself :)

Of course people are used to our stuff selling out - so orders are already coming in - within hours of posting that it was available we had or first 1/2 steer sold. EXCITING!!!

date Monday, March 9, 2009

A customer emailed me this morning and I actually read the entire story. It makes me angry - especially since I have a lot of people confront me with the cost of our food (especially eggs lately). Yes - it's higher - but do you know who and what is going on at the farm your eggs are from?

I'd love some comments on this article and opinions. Either way.


Who can resist such cute furballs?? Now understand.... I sent Jacob and Alexis out to take pictures and told them I needed to know which are girls and which are boys..... you get the idea from the pictures :)

This guy is a little runt - but still adorable!!

This guy is HUGE!

date Thursday, March 5, 2009