Here's the thing - I do not believe everything that comes at me - especially now and days.  I'm skeptical about everything - herbs, essential oils, vitamins.... you name it, I can find a way to be a skeptic.  Of course, if I believe in it, I am one to jump in with both feet first (and I may not look around before I do it).

So when a customer comes to me with something and says "just listen to this." I put it aside. No offense, but I have a lot going on and usually if you see me with my headphones in, I am listening to a book I KNOW I won't have time to read (and 9 times out of 10 it's for enjoyment - not education).   I have a backlog of things that I need to do and get done.  However, since I have been sick (they think Lyme's - but I won't get into that all here right now - maybe on another day) a year a lot of people have handed me a lot of different things, told me everything they know about everything they know and what they THINK they know.  So you can understand where I am coming from if I don't jump at every opportunity.

This time though, I listened.  Probably because it wasn't a long book.... and a higher probability is because hooking up my new laptop to my iPhone deleted the book I was about to start and I was out and dang it - as I said before, I like to listen to BOOKS more than music while I am doing errands and work.

Dr Joel Wallach started out as a vet.  A farm vet at that.  So that made me sit up a little since I am no vet - but I DO have a farm.  He looked at the animals and what they give them and what people eat and why don't WE as humans (also labeled as animals) supplement with minerals?  Simple huh?

To avoid many issues with animals and birthing, we supplement their feed with mineral blocks "free choice"  - meaning they can get to it when they feel they need it.  They also have "evil" salt as a free choice item as well.  This helps out with many different diseases animals have from floppy leg syndrome to something as simple as fighting off infections.  

Many of you know, on our own farm we don't use medicines unless absolutely needed.  Well, when we forget to put the mineral blocks out, the animals suffer.  They can't fight off things as well as they did before and you can see it in their fur.  This area in VA is selenium deficient. The first thing our extension agent will tell you is that you need to add it to their feed or even give babies a shot when they are born to help counter act this.

This can go on and on and on.... but it's easier to listen to a professional about it - and I am not that person.  Believe me though, I plan on working with this and seeing how it goes for me immediately.  I will become a mini-expert in this because listening to it, seeing it first hand in animals - I SEE and KNOW the difference it can make in my animals.  Quick example:  our dairy cows did have not free choice mineral because they were being fed a ration diet which had "enough" in it.... well we put out the free choice mineral this past week and production went up and the cream was just amazing!  All it took was simple minerals.  

We walk through life deficient.   With that in mind, how can people fight all these things that are thrown at them day in and day out?  How can our bodies fight off infections if it's not prepared properly to do so?  

So if you want to learn more about it, please shoot me an email.  I will be thrilled to get you a copy of the CD so you can listen to it yourself.  If you want to start supplementing right away, I can help you there too with the help of my friend who shared the information with me. 

date Thursday, September 6, 2012