The one thing I like about the winter months is the fact I get to spend a little more time on things I have fun doing. Joe has now called me the "Voodoo Woman" as the kitchen is once again filled with experiments. Best part is my son is now going to start doing it as well.
Ferments are so easy to get started - but you do need to keep up with it. I'm not a purist in any sense of the word for these things - I do what works for us and that means (ack) cheap sugar.
Here is my view point - though many will disagree that's ok this just works for my family right now - the kefir grains or kombucha SCOBY eat the sugar. Neither one seems to be picky about the type of sugar they eat, so I am working within my budget.
Right now, I have water kefir going (1 gallon a day - yes a day) which is happily being drank with the ice tea mix I have (nope again nothing special here - I can currently afford Lipton natural green tea with honey mix so that's what they are drinking). Instead of plain water I am using the kefir water to make the tea and the kids all drink it without any issues. I also have a second ferment going with some 100% Cranberry/Pomegranate Juice I found at the store which is being discontinued. With that one I am making "soda bottle" to drink.
Next I have 2 different ferments going with whey: first one is a Ginger/Lime "Soda" and the second is a Ginger/Orange "Soda". I'll bottle them up for a second ferment in a few days.
Juice of 1 orange (or 2 limes)
2 TBSP Sliced ginger root
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup whey
enough filtered water to fill a 1 liter jar (or 1/2 gallon)
Mix sugar, whey & water until sugar is dissolved. Put juice & ginger in the container you will ferment in. Add water/sugar/whey mixture. Lightly cover for 2-3 days on your counter. Strain ginger, rebottle and let ferment a 2nd time for 2 days. Put in the fridge and serve cold (I know the lime/ginger one does not taste great warm!).
I am using 1 liter Pickl-It jars for these so they have the airlock at the top to help with the carbonation pressure (these actually are pretty on my counter!). If you don't have these or don't have an airlock system, you might need to "burp" the jars. You can also cover with a coffee filter and rubber band on top!
I'm also in the process of rehydrating my milk kefir grains - only 3-5 more days to go on those.
So as you can see - winter is a fun time to play!!