I have done something amazing - ingenious and so much more.
I hired someone to clean my house!!!
I know - shocker... a country mom is supposed to clean house, bake bread, sew clothes and so much more. Well that ain't me (don't tell my kids I used that word - which isn't in my opinion
I placed an ad on Craigslist - stated what I needed done and what I was willing to pay. Sure enough there are a lot of people who want to clean your house for a reasonable fee!! I supply the equipment and cleaning supplies - but I like it that way - and my toilets are all clean, sheets are washed.... floors are mopped - all in 1 day a week. She'll even do the windows :)
Now I have heard from people "That's what kids are for".... it's not like ANY of my kids are lazy. They work their behinds off in my opinion compared to other kids I know.
First - they get up in the morning before school and do chores (feed & water animals and let the chickens out). Second they come home from school and do more chores (feed, water and milk animals). They aren't usually done until about 5:30-6 depending on the day. So they put in a good 12 hour day including school!!
Of course we play just as hard (can't wait to go camping!!)
However, the housecleaning has relieved me of feeling bad my house is dirty. I can't stand a dirty house. Disorganized, messy and cluttered - well that's different.... I have piles of "stuff" all over the place (I promise to go through them - I swear I will).... however, dirt is just ick. I can't stand the dog hair (next dog will NOT shed) or sticky stuff on my floor (no idea what it is - but with 4 kids I'm not sure I want to know).
A housecleaning service wanted to charge me $365-450 to clean my house 1 time!! Ummmmmm....... can we say forget it??
My house will never be a show-room type house. My house is......a home.