I honestly don't "get it"..... yesterday I brought in 2 lambs who weren't doing well and they were born just the day before.  Neither one made it through the night even with me getting up every 2 hours.

I have NEVER successfully brought in lambs and had them survive. Goats - no problem... all but 1 that I have brought in survived.

It's just exhausting when you try so hard to just to have them die.  At least I know I did everything I could to keep them alive.... but it's still sad and tiring.

It was a long night..

date Friday, February 19, 2010

Someone hacked into the email posting for our blog - I apologize!!  What a pain it has been!!

I hope it's all cleared up!

date Monday, February 15, 2010

This is usually a pretty easy job because we just drive the ATV up to the chicken coop with the feed. The kids actually WANT to do this chore MOST days. Today - not so much. It took all of us to get 2 bags (100 lbs) of feed up to the chickens because we have been unable to plow a path to the chickens. If we stepped wrong, we could sink 3+ feet and it was exhausting. To heck with a treadmill!!

This is the view from the "bridge" which marks our property line. Joe was finally able to plow the driveway after having the tire lose air yesterday and get stuck in the snow in the middle of the snow drift storm.

Alexis up on top of a snow pile - one which will probably take a good while to melt!!
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date Thursday, February 11, 2010

I think the pictures speak for themselves. Some areas are up to my waist - over 36"....and we are expecting at least 6-8" MORE today...

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date Saturday, February 6, 2010