Tomorrow is my birthday.... I'm turning (ack) 36. Right now I am sitting here and looking at a Christmas tree set up - and realizing it's the first time in my small history I have EVER put up a Christmas tree before my birthday - even though the kids big me every year to do it.

Here are some other odd thoughts that pass through my head as I think about the last 5 years. I chose 5 years because we have been here on the farm 3 year. So 2 years before that I was busy selling on eBay as my full-time job. Both kids were in school and I was ok with that. We lived in suburbia, I drove a fancy Land Cruiser *should have kept that*..... and life was good. If you had told me I would be farming, homeschooling, and even becoming Catholic in a few years I probably would have thought you were drunk or something - because that would NEVER happen in my little life.

Now - here I sit, in front of a lit tree noting that I am doing all those things and my life is actually better for it. We actually spend family time together and ENJOY it (though there are days where I say yeah right!)......we talk more..... we do more things together.... and amazingly - we listen more.

The whole farming thing - well shoot - that honestly blew up around us because of our wonderful customers. But I wouldn't change anything about it. Ok - some days I would - I mean - can't the chickens just feed themselves and let themselves out today - IT'S COLD!!!! Goofy stuff like that. But then you look out my window and you can't help but notice how blessed we have been.

Another year passes away...... and with a life like this - you can't WAIT to see what happens during the next year.

date Friday, December 5, 2008