Last night - I'm closing everything up..... we had lost 2 lambs in the morning - unsure to exact causes - one never made it out of the sac and had nodes on it (just didn't look "right").....and I KNOW we are finishing lambing by January 31st so everyone is due sometime soon.

I'm about to run to the grocery store and go to my class for Church and sure enough.... 1 ewe is having a baby. Well guess what? The ewe who LOST her 2 wants her baby. So I separate the new mom out put them under a heat lamp and go on my way so no one will steal her new baby lamb and my heart is breaking for the mom who lost hers.

Come home - it's cold and about 9:30pm. Head straight out to the barn to make sure new mom is doing well and to check on everyone else. I don't plan on being there long so I didn't think about the way I was dressed (no jacket). Another ewe is giving birth. I call Joe cause I need a flashlight.

1 HOUR later she finally delivers a baby. Awesome.... but guess who shows up?..... the ewe who lost her babies that morning to steal this one. I get the new mom separated, under heat lamps, and notice she's NOT done. So I wait......... Joe goes inside - he has a long day on Tuesday with his real job..... me - I just stay and freeze (remember no jacket)

11:20pm she FINALLY gives birth to the second baby!!! I wait until everyone is up and at least trying to get milk and mom is allowing it...... and go inside and sit in a hot bath which I didn't feel cause I was so cold.
Here they are minutes after the little tiny girl is born.... so 1 girl.... 1 boy...... and a happy farmer.
Everyone was fine at 6am this morning...... so I can relax a little bit until the next ewe decides to give birth today.
What a night!

date Tuesday, January 20, 2009

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