Alexis taking her new goat outside - HI PUG!

This is PUG - born New Years Eve (and who is now living in our house)

Running for cover when Marshmallow Monster (our Great Pyr boy) wanted to meet him

Yes - I know - I like the goat
Yes - he's living in the house - diaper clad and all so he would stop peeing on my floor! Man a goat pee's a lot!! So this is our new bottle baby of a goat who at this exact moment in time is asleep under the couch (don't ask me why - I don't know). We have 4 more babies out in the barn with their moms. One more might be brought in because a bottle baby will make an excellent show goat as they are easier to work with. Pug will be Alexis's..... and I have to figure out if we'll bring in another for Jacob.

I do have about 10 sheep about to give birth and have to watch for bottle babies there as well. WILD KINGDOM MOVES INTO MY HOUSE!
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date Friday, January 9, 2009

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